Who We Are

First Baptist Church of Pickensville is a growing Baptist Church in historical Pickensville, AL.
FBCP seeks to grow in the Lord by pursuing His will and serving the community. 

What We Believe

1 . We believe that the Bible is the Word of the Living God. The Bible is inerrant because God Himself inspired it. The original manuscripts were supernaturally inspired by God and are also preserved by God.

2. We believe all accounts in Scripture, in both the Old and New Testaments, to be absolutely accurate.

3. We believe in The Trinity. 
God exists in three persons- Father, Son and Holy Spirit. These three are one God who has existed eternally.

4. We believe that God sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to die as a substitute for the sins of humanity. God did this in His sovereignty and out of His love for us. God loves all sinners.

5. We believe that Jesus was both God and man. He came and put on a robe of flesh. He was born of a virgin. He lived a sinless life. He taught with great power and performed mighty miracles.

6. We believe Jesus died a literal death on the cross as a penalty for our sins. However, Jesus was bodily raised from the dead on the third day. After forty days, He ascended to the Father's right hand of power and authority. Jesus is the head of the church and He intercedes on the behalf of all believers.

 7. We believe that the only atonement for sin is the shed blood of Jesus Christ. Jesus redeemed us from the curse of the law and from the bondage of sin. Without the blood of Jesus, there is no redemption. There is no other way to enter into heaven except by Jesus, the Son of God.  

8. We believe Jesus is coming again. He will return as judge and king. He will return personally, bodily and visibly to Earth to set up a millennial kingdom.

How We Started

Due to the destruction of records by fire, the exact organization date of Pickensville Baptist Church is unknown. However, according to the minutes of the Association, the church was received into said organization on September 25, 1847, 150 years ago!

The history of our church, now called
First Baptist Church of Pickensville, is as rich as that of the town itself. Just as Pickensville (Booneville then Pikesville) experienced "boom" periods, so did the church. Some pastors stayed less than a year; others much longer. Membership decreased, reached a plateau, then fell off at one time rather sharply, then increased with fervor. 

The History of Pickensville includes the Pastors who were associated with Pickensville Baptist Church at any given year. Those names, for those of you who might be interested, lie, at least in part, in assorted minutes and notes that have been collected through the years. No doubt, some of your own records which may be in your family's possession include little known facts and figures about the people and history of the church.

In early Pickensville, the initial growth of the church in the 1850s was slow, reaching its peak sometime in the early 1860s, then declining around 1890. Records concerning growth through the 1900s, up until the 1980s at least, did not indicate substantial growth or decrease in numbers. However, in the later part of the 1980s and continuing into the present year, growth, as compared with all previous years combined, is phenomenal.

The increase in church membership, particularly during the last five to ten years, has forced the congregation of First Baptist Church of Pickensville to grow with the times. It is true that the church has a rich history, closely tied to that of the community, and whatever the Lord has in store for our church will be revealed as we live out the End Times. Hopefully, it is His will to allow us to continue to grow, offering more of His children increased opportunities to witness to others however He sees fit . 

From the Pastor...

It is my pleasure and an honor to get a chance to express a few of my beliefs. Hopefully, this will help you understand me and my ministry.

Based on what I read in the Bible, I believe a pastor is to lead a church as the ancient shepherd led his flock. As a matter of fact, the Bible uses that very term when talking about New Testament pastors. There are two important things I can learn from a shepherd: Number one is that the welfare of the flock was of uppermost importance to the shepherd. You cannot be a good shepherd if you hate the smell of sheep. Oh, how I love the people of this church. They are my family in every sense of the word. The second thing I learn in the shepherd is that he could not take the sheep where he was not able or willing to go himself. I can only fulfill my call as a pastor when I do as I am supposed to do. I am far from perfect as you can learn by hanging around, but I pray for and seek integrity.

I definitely believe the Bible is without error; that it is the inspired, reliable Word of God. There I base my ministry. There I make my stands. There I live my life. In the Bible, with the Helper of the Holy Spirit, I seek wisdom to preach, teach, lead, and live.

Obviously, I do not know where you are spiritually as you read these words. I do know that God loves you and God's Love is the most powerful matter in the universe. It is my prayer that you will recognize His great love for you and receive the abundant life that Jesus has to offer.

Thank you for taking the time to visit our webpage, and please do not hesitate to contact me if I can ever be of service to you.

Tim Jones